7º Passo - Terminado! Feito mais algumas modificações de cores e acrescentado nuvens e montanhas.
7º Step - Finished! I've done some more modifications in color and added clouds and mountains
Aqui vamos nós com mais um desenho, sendo que demorei 3 dias nesse D8
Bem, é o *Rob novamente e fiz algumas mudanças nele. Nesse desenho ele está parecendo um pouco mais "maduro", principalmente porque o tipo do traçado não foi feito numa forma mais infantil ou muito simples como costuma ser. Está mais detalhado e também mais forte, e provavelmente vou manter dessa forma, porque até gostei do resultado :3
Agora, falando sobre a histórinha desse personagem, que taaaanto eu falo a respeito, bem... realmente não sei quando irei terminar (organizar as ideias e escrever o enredo final), porque sempre acabo mudando alguma coisa a cada dia que passa, então também não faço ideia de quando irei criar a HQ e quando irei postá-la. Eu espero conseguir fazer isso o mais rápido possivel, porque tenho muitas formas para introduzir meus projetos no mundo, e todas de fácil alcance até.
Então... é... se eu continuar enrolando, posso acabar perdendo a oportunidade, mas ta complicada a vida. Colégio só atrapalha tudo... tsc tsc... mas vamos ver, quem sabe nesse ano eu não consiga dar meus primeiros passos?
*Rob e Sete (A grande caveira) são personagens criador por © LahBT (eu ._.)
Here we go with another drawing, and this one took me 3 days D8
Well, this is *Rob again. I made some modifications to him, and now he's looking a bit more "mature", mainly because I didn't use an infantile trace in this drawing (Ops, sorry, that sentence I really don't know if I wrote it right in English xD If it's wrong or it doesn't make any sense, please let me know), and I think I'll keep him in that way. I quite liked the result :3
Now, talking about the story of Rob and his gang, well... I really don't know when I'll completely finish, because I always change something almost every day, so I don't know either when I'll create the comic and post it. I hope I can do it as fast as possible, because I have so many ways to introduce my projects to the world, and all within easy reach for me.
So yeah... I really can't miss this opportunity..
*Rob and Sete (the big skull) are characters created by © LahBT (me ._.)
Well, this is *Rob again. I made some modifications to him, and now he's looking a bit more "mature", mainly because I didn't use an infantile trace in this drawing (Ops, sorry, that sentence I really don't know if I wrote it right in English xD If it's wrong or it doesn't make any sense, please let me know), and I think I'll keep him in that way. I quite liked the result :3
Now, talking about the story of Rob and his gang, well... I really don't know when I'll completely finish, because I always change something almost every day, so I don't know either when I'll create the comic and post it. I hope I can do it as fast as possible, because I have so many ways to introduce my projects to the world, and all within easy reach for me.
So yeah... I really can't miss this opportunity..
*Rob and Sete (the big skull) are characters created by © LahBT (me ._.)
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